Denver Lifestyle Newborn Portraits
Those first few days, weeks, months of adding a new baby to your family feels like time drags by. You’re soooo tired, and you’re learning this new person who was just dropped into your life, and figuring out how this new baby fits into your family. It all feels so new, but it also feels like this new baby has been here forever. It’s hard to remember a time when they weren’t a part of your life. And then you finally start sleeping again, and realize – poof – your new baby is now 6 months old, and look like a baby, not a newborn anymore. And you are so thankful for those newborn portraits to remember that sweet, sleep-deprived time of your life.
Watching Kinley as a proud big sister to little Cora is so sweet. Nuzzling noses – little kids sit and stare at newborns just like adults do. There is something mesmerizing about new babes. The second time around, Kristin and Dave are old pros. Swaddling with confidence and showering both girls with love. Welcome to the world Cora!