- Don’t Dress Like a TV Anchor
- Relax!
- Let’s Match The Location With The Style You’re Going For
- Color Is Good
- Hair and Makeup Is Better
Don’t Dress Like A TV Anchor For Head Shots
When you decide what to wear for professional business photos, plan for the whole outfit, not just what you wear on top. It’s not a “business on top, party on the bottom” situation. Wear pants and shoes that you don’t mind being photographed in. This means plan out your whole outfit from top to bottom!

Relax! It’s Only Business Portraits
It is totally normal to feel nervous, but my hope is that 5 minutes in, you’ll realize this is pretty painless. I keep things light – we chat, move around and work quickly. I’ll try to break you of that painful fake smile, and we’ll create some portraits that you’ll be proud to post online.

Let’s Match The Location With The Style You’re Going For With These Head Shots
Don’t get stuck envisioning recreating the same portrait that everyone else in your field does (I see you lawyers with bookshelves behind you!). But this doesn’t mean that you have to be posing in front of a graffiti mural (I’m all for it if you want that.).
What I’m saying is, let’s match the vibe you’re going for with the location. For many, that is adding in nature into the background or bricks for an urban feel. Others want a plain background that isn’t distracting.
These professional business photos should make you stand out in a crowd, so let’s find a spot that does just that. I have a list of great spots in and around Denver.

Color Is Good
Black is many people’s go-to color, but I would suggest you try to mix it up. Jewel tones photograph nicely and really do make you pop.
Small pattern plays well too. If in doubt, feel free to ask!
Hair and Makeup Is Better
The advice is right when people say the camera washes you out. Put on a little more lipstick and blush for these professional business photos than you normally would. You want to look like you, but with an oomph. I am also happy to connect you with my hair and makeup team – they do a great job!

Feel free to look at more of my professional head shots here >> HEAD SHOTS GALLERY